Frankfurt School of Finance and Management Doctoral Tuition Waivers

Programme Overview

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management is one of Europe’s leading business schools with an internationally recognised reputation for relevant and rigorous research. They are determined to attract the most talented doctoral students in accounting, finance, and management, and they offer a stimulating academic environment.

The five-year doctoral programme equips students to contribute to these debates. The first two years generally consist of classes in which students focus on analytical skills. Students also take courses in their chosen area of academic specialisation in Accounting, Finance, or Management, which provides the foundation from which to develop research topics. The program encourages students to broaden their scope and obtain training in related areas such as data sciences, operations research, or economics.

While their primary intention is to provide graduates with an ideal platform to enter the world of academia, their research topics are also directly relevant for business and politics. They train their students to develop solutions to complex problems and to develop the social and conceptual skills they need to advise others. Their faculty mentors and supports students in their research. This nurturing intellectual climate is combined with an exciting state-of-the-art campus environment.

Frankfurt School confers a Dr. rer. pol., the German equivalent of a PhD in Economics. The School offers fully-funded study places and a generous monthly stipend for up to five years.

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