IUBH University of Applied Sciences - Scholarship Initiative: Save up to 80%!

Education is an investment and IUBH believes everybody should have the chance to start a great career through access to excellent study programmes. That is why we provide scholarships to help you reach your full potential.

We offer a range of scholarships and funding options that could help you save up to 80% on your tuition fees. We also provide flexibility in our study models to give you more freedom to work around your job or family commitments. With many programmes, you can even start your degree online and come to study on campus later on, helping you stay in Germany after you graduate to find a great career.

If you have a passion for self-improvement, the ambition for learning, and the motivation for success, we want to support you —with financial support and career services that help you get to where you want to go.


Apply today and save up to 80%

Take a look at some of the many programmes we offer:

B.Sc. Computer Science

B.Sc. Business and IT

B.Sc. Data Science

B.Eng. Robotics

B.Eng. Industrial Engineering and Management

B.A. Business Administration

B.A. International Management

M.Sc. Computer Science

M.Sc. Computer Science in Cyber Security

M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence

M.Sc. Data Science

M.A. Management (with specialization options)

MBA (with specialization options)


We’re happy to guide you you finding and applying for the right scholarship. Head to our website or get direct advice from our team via e-mail or by phone at +49 (0)30 311 987 20 or Whatsapp!

We look forward to meeting you,

The IUBH International Team

*Scholarships are not available to students from Germany, Austria and Switzerland at current time