We have a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism, articles generated by artificial intelligence, or articles that have been rearranged. Please take note of this when submitting content. If you’re a professional content writer representing a commercial website, we recommend considering a sponsored post instead of a guest post
As a contributor, you are welcome to submit a guest post that aligns with our content goals. Our websites covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:
- Finance
- Home & Garden
- Food & Drink
- Beauty & Fitness
- Shopping
- Hobbies & Leisure
- Travel
- Pets & Animals
- Autos & Vehicles
Whether you’re an expert in one of these areas or have a unique perspective on a related topic, we welcome your submission and look forward to featuring your writing on our platform.
With our readers’ interests at heart, it is important to distinguish between guest posts and sponsored posts. Guest posts are typically written by individual bloggers and webmasters, while sponsored posts are written on behalf of a brand, company, or organization for the purpose of promoting a product or service, either for free or for a fee. For more information on sponsored posts, please visit this page. We do not accept posts written for the sole benefit of your company or client unless it is agreed upon that it is a sponsored post.
However, in order for us to accept your guest post, there are certain criteria we need to consider:
- We don’t accept spun articles and we will remove your article without notifying you if we later detect plagiarism.
- You can only add a link to your site in the bio to your site and also your social profiles.
- Any link within the article linking back to your site must be relevant to the article. We may remove it if we are not comfortable with it.
- After publishing, the article is ours and may not appear anywhere else.
Please note that you can’t sell links to your clients from your article. Add only link relevant to your article or a link back to your page, do well to avoid using affiliate links.
We reserve the right to edit the post as needed (for example, to repair spelling or grammar errors) and to reject post that does not profit our website goals or for the niche it’s related to.
*No affiliate links, no link selling, no link stuffing.
By contacting us, you agree to our terms and will comply with our guest posting guidelines. Contact us at [email protected] to discuss the details.